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How to manage your online reputation

By Drake Editorial Team

We live in the digital age. Beyond that, we live in a time when anyone, anywhere can share any piece of information they like. And we have many ways for doing so – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and blogs are just a few of the sites or tools we use to connect and share with others all over the world.

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The Five Keys to Job Hunting Success

By Drake Editorial Team

To find a job, you need to focus, have the right attitude, prepare thoroughly, devise a strategy and follow through. These five keys to success will help you in your job hunt.

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Top 10 leadership skills you can't be without

By Tom LaForce

There are dozens of leadership actions that ought to fill your days. Here are 10 that you not only should do, but you need to master.

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Four ingredients to sales success

By Tim Connor

If your goal is to become a top salesperson and consistently exceed your targets, then there are four significant areas that you need to focus on to achieve sales success. They are the following:

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5 steps to hiring for attitude

By Don Schmincke

At some point, every business owner, manager, or human resources hires someone who has the right skills but the wrong attitude and eventually, they will. However, if you start hiring for attitude rather than skill, you could greatly reduce the risk of letting an employee go. 

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Creating value - the foundation of workplace success

By JoAnna Brandi

Companies that create value for customers, employees, community, and investors, create, as a result of creating value, above average profits for themselves. After all, what is it that your customers are buying from you if not value? Just think about how your business might be different if you put all your energy into creating value. It's more challenging than ever to do business and create profit.

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