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HR Blog - DrakePulse

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Embracing the Cultural Shift: Working with Gen Z

By Drake Editorial Team

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, it is crucial for companies to adapt and embrace the cultural shifts brought about by each new generation entering the workforce. 

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Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion: Why Diversity Fosters a Successful & Thriving Workplace

By Drake Editorial Team

As we commemorate Pride Month, it is a great time to spotlighting the impact of diversity and inclusion within an organisation. This is about fostering a professional climate where every individual feels acknowledged, respected, and inspired to contribute. Particularly in Aotearoa, renowned for its culture of inclusivity, it's essential for businesses to understand the advantages of diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all. This understanding is key in creating a thriving workplace for everyone.


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How Different Cultures Alleviate Stress and Anxiety

By Drake Editorial Team

Both stress and anxiety can become inevitable experiences. Between balancing work commitments and our personal lives, we can find ourselves battling with daily stressors.

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Wellness Boost: 6 Strategies for Thriving as Daylight Savings Ends

By Drake Editorial Team

As daylight savings time has ended, it's important to prioritise our wellbeing to stay healthy and happy during the darker months. The change in daylight hours can impact our physical and mental health, but with some simple tips, we can boost our wellbeing and thrive during this time. Here are some tips for maintaining wellness as daylight savings ends.

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How to be an Employer of Choice: 3 Green Flags Your Business Should Emphasise

By Drake Editorial Team

Hiring the right employees is crucial to the success of your business, but in this candidate-tight market it’s also important to consider the traits that make up a good employer. Not only does this aid in the development of your employer brand, but it can also entice high-quality talent to aspire to work for you. Here are three green flags of a good employer. 


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5 Tips for Attracting and Retaining Talent in 2023

By Drake Editorial Team

With the unemployment rate in New Zealand at 3.3% and the minimum wage rising, it is important for businesses to recruit, train and retain the right staff to keep their business running smoothly. This article outlines the top 5 tips from the survey results for businesses to attract and retain great talent in 2023. 

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