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HR Blog - DrakePulse

Team Building


Creating value - the foundation of workplace success

By JoAnna Brandi

Companies that create value for customers, employees, community, and investors, create, as a result of creating value, above average profits for themselves. After all, what is it that your customers are buying from you if not value? Just think about how your business might be different if you put all your energy into creating value. It's more challenging than ever to do business and create profit.

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How to build highly effective teams

By Carter McNamara

Too often, teams are formed merely by gathering some people together and then hoping that those people somehow find a way to work together successfully. Teams are most effective when carefully designed.

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10 Common Resume Mistakes

By Drake Editorial Team

You've been job searching online for a while now, but you haven't been getting any bites back on your application. Take the time to go through your resume and cover letter and highlight any potential errors. Here are the top 10 common resume mistakes that companies see all the time. 

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10 ways to increase employee engagement

By Drake Editorial Team

Engagement is a driver of performance, and there is no better way to bring along future stars than by engaging them from the start on those attributes of the job and the organization that drive their passion and energy.

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6 tips for effective teamwork

By Gregg Gregory

Teamwork in the workplace is important for a number of reasons. Teamwork will boost workplace morale, work will get done faster and on time and for some, strong friendships will form.  Here are 6 tips to help guide team members to work collaboratively. 

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How to Navigate your Business through Turbulent times

By Drake Editorial Team

COVID has caused unprecedented challenges for big and small businesses. Here are some tips for leading your team and your business through tough and turbulent times.

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